國小教師教閩南語?老師們準備好了嗎? st1\00003a*{} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}st1\00003a*{} table.MsoNormalTab 褐藻醣膠le {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}國小教師教閩南 酒店經紀語?老師們準備好了嗎? --給台北周縣長的一封信 周縣長、教育局長鈞鑒: 頃 景觀設計聞 鈞府有意通令台北縣所屬國民小學自九十九年度起,要求不再聘用通過教育部認證的閩南語支援教師(工作人員),代 婚禮佈置之全數由通過<閩南語進階36小時研習>之教師擔任授課。如果屬實,則將嚴重影響國小的閩南語教學!蓋此類教學人員之所以由國家認證來擔任支 房屋二胎援教學之旨意,本就是彌補國小教師尚未具有閩南語教學能力之目的。而數年來,我等支援人員在基層國小之教學績效,已深受學校之重視、肯定、好評及學生、家長的歡迎,此 面膜正足以證明國家尊重國小學生受教權的政策之正確性! 孰知 鈞府在教育部2688經費仍如同往年並未減少的情況下,竟傳出有意做此改變,如此將引起學校第一線教師產生閩南語教學能力不足之?租辦公室ㄦW,若學生家長普遍了解因教學內容及能力的不足,而產生受教權已經受損的質疑時,豈非將使得 鈞府遭受不能順應民意之指責?更何況在並未有其他任一縣市做此改變的實況下,徒然凸顯  鈞府此一輕率的行事作風?酒店兼職B有害無益的改變教育政策,而成為眾矢之的! 素仰 鈞府教育單位一向重視閩南語教學,值此改變決策之前,敬請三思!真正去了解基層教師之閩南語教學能力及其困難,教師們是否真的準備好了?是否已經到了「閩南語教學支援人員」全面退場的 訂做禮服時候?若能即時踩煞車不再輕率為之,則縣民子弟之幸也! --台北縣國小閩南語支援教師—justinrio 2009年10月17日 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 襯衫  .

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          今晚誰當家 20110928 寶貝愛遲到 開學出門PK賽 http://www.maplestage.net/node/36683/ 今晚誰當家-20110928-寶貝愛遲到-開學出門pk賽/王中平 has good wife good son good daughter, I think he should do h 辦公室出租is best to speak mandarin perfectly so that he can sing Mandarin song to deserve all good (Keep in mind all the 酒店兼職 time, in order to deserve a easy way of life, both husband and wife must have to live in moral life [Like Chinese said "Boot.1 建築設計0.Boot.Bow. 10.Hold.Way.Dow"; man who committed marriage treason crime, woman who committed "Boot.Ann.Yu.10" crime <Yes, you may take advantage of " 襯衫Boot.Zhi.Jer.Boot.Jway"; however, if you know how to read and write, even you may be naive homeless parentless like I was, you still need to pay your tough life to learn the l 會場佈置esson like I have done. That how you must not ever force anyone to know how to read and write, because once you know how to read and write, you lost your right of "Boot.Zhi.Jer.Boot.Jway".> l 信用貸款ooked suffering nothing at current life, must mean he or she must have to be locked inside own most miserable nightmare no way out, not if but when; that how both "Lead.Shoot.Tone" and "Job.Bow.Yu" must have to left h 辦公室出租is rich and famous comfortable home and/or all wealth power force authority behind, so that to do his best that Chinese said "4.Mar.Down.Whore.Mar.1" wish that best will of "自.Tower.Cool.吃"may deserve himself and/or his blood tie 買房子to have any hopeful chance to be released out of that locked miserable nightmare so that he and/or his blood tie may come again to get another try.], that means, husband must not ever commit marriage treason crime, wife must not ever wear makeup or on purposely show 找房子her sexy to please other man's ears and/or eyes.) arounding him. Sing or speak "Mean.Nun.What" is a slavery tie, no way to get the lightness to fly.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 情趣用品  .

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